This show was produced during February 28 — March 16, 2014
By Albert Innaurato
Directed By Raymond Croce & Brad Reiter
Ray Croce • Anthony Scanish • Joshua Samors • Allison Kessler • Eli Russell • Dawn Varava • Nicole DeRosa Lukaitis
“The audience at the South Camden Theatre Company (SCTC) production of GEMINI was told they would enjoy an evening of comedic drama. SCTC gave them that and more with a script written by the theatrically beleaguered author, Albert Innaurato.”
Set in the backyard of a blue-collar South Philadelphia neighborhood early in the summer of 1973, the comedy-drama focuses on the 21st birthday celebration of Harvard student Francis Geminiani. In attendance are his divorced blue-collar father Fran and Fran’s widowed girlfriend Lucille, next-door neighbor Bunny Weinberger and her overweight son Herschel, and Francis’ classmates, the wealthy WASP Hastings siblings; Judith (who seeks romance with Francis) and Randy (the object of Francis’ unexpressed affection), who have arrived unexpectedly, much to their friend’s dismay. All are dysfunctional to varying degrees, and the interactions among them provide the play with its comic and dramatic moments.
Funding has been made possible in part by the Camden County Cultural & Heritage Commission at Camden County College, through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.